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ACT Stock Price Correlated With Enact Holdings Financials

ACT Stock Price vs. Quarterly
Income Statement
Cash Flow
Balance Sheet

ACT Income Statement

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Revenue, Net:
Revenue Per Share:
Cost of Goods & Services Sold:
Gross Profit:
Selling, General & Admin Expense:
Research & Development Expense:
Total Operating Expenses:
Operating Income:
Income Taxes:
Net Income:
Earnings Per Share, Diluted:
Earnings Per Share, Basic:
Shares Outstanding, Basic Avg:
Shares Outstanding, Diluted Avg:
Common Stock Shares Outstanding:

ACT Cash Flow

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Operating Activities Net Income:
Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization:
Change in Accounts Receiveable:
Net Cash from Operations:
Net Cash from Operations Per Share:
Repurchases/Buybacks Common Stock:
Issuance of Long-term Debt:
Cash Dividends Paid:
Net Cash from Financing Activities:
Property, Plant & Equipment Purchases:
Purchases of Businesses, Net of Cash:
Net Cash from Investing Activities:
Net Change in Cash & Equivalents:

ACT Balance Sheet

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Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Short-Term Investments:
Accounts Receivable, Net:
Total Current Assets:
Property, Plant & Equipment, Net:
Total Assets:
Accounts Payable:
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt:
Total Short-Term Liabilities:
Long Term Debt, Non-Current Portion:
Total Long-Term Liabilities:
Total Liabilities:
Enact Holdings, Inc. (EHI) is a subsidiary of Genworth Financial, Inc. (“Genworth” or “Parent”) and has been since EHI’s incorporation in Delaware in 2012. On May 3, 2021, EHI amended its certificate of incorporation to change its name from Genworth Mortgage Holdings, Inc. This amendment also authorized EHI to issue 600,000,000 shares of common stock, each having a par value of $0.01 per share. Concurrently, we entered into a share exchange agreement with Genworth Holdings, Inc. (“Genworth Holdings”), pursuant to which Genworth Holdings exchanged its 100 shares of common stock, representing all of the previously issued and outstanding capital stock, for 162,840,000 newly-issued shares of common stock, par value $0.01, of EHI. All of the share and per share information presented in the condensed consolidated financial statements and notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements have been adjusted to reflect the share exchange on a retroactive basis for all periods and as of all dates presented.

On September 15, 2021, we priced our initial public offering (“IPO”) of common stock, which resulted in the issuance and sale of 13,310,400 shares of common stock at the IPO price of $19.00 per common share. All shares were offered by the selling stockholder, our parent company, Genworth Holdings. In addition to the shares sold in the IPO, 14,655,600 common shares were sold in a concurrent private sale (“Private Sale”) at a price per share of $17.86, which is equal to the IPO price less the underwriting discount share. Genworth Holdings also granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 1,996,560 common shares (“Over-Allotment Option”) at the IPO price less the underwriting discount. On September 16, 2021, the underwriters exercised their option to purchase all 1,996,560 common shares permitted under the terms of the underwriting agreement. The IPO, Private Sale and Over-Allotment Option (collectively the “Offering”) closed on September 20, 2021, and Genworth Holdings retained all net proceeds from the Offering. The gross proceeds of the Offering, before payment of underwriter fees and other expenses, were approximately $553 million. Costs directly related to the Offering, including underwriting fees and other expenses, were approximately $24 million.

On November 29, 2019, Genworth completed a holding company reorganization whereby Genworth contributed 100% of the issued and outstanding voting securities of the Company to Genworth Holdings. Post-contribution, we were a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Genworth Holdings, and Genworth Holdings was a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Genworth. After our IPO, Genworth Holdings is still a wholly owned subsidiary of Genworth but we are no longer a wholly owned subsidiary of Genworth Holdings. We are engaged in the business of writing and assuming residential mortgage guaranty insurance. The insurance protects lenders and investors against certain losses resulting from nonpayment of loans secured by mortgages, deeds of trust, or other instruments constituting a lien on residential real estate.

We offer private mortgage insurance products predominantly insuring prime-based, individually underwritten residential mortgage loans (“primary mortgage insurance”). Our primary mortgage insurance enables borrowers to buy homes with a down payment of less than 20% of the home’s value. Primary mortgage insurance also facilitates the sale of these low down payment mortgage loans in the secondary mortgage market, most of which are sold to government sponsored enterprises. We also selectively enter into insurance transactions with lenders and investors, un

Free historical financial statements for Enact Holdings, Inc.. See how revenue, income, cash flow, and balance sheet financials have changed over 13 quarters since 2021. Compare with ACT stock chart to see long term trends.

Data imported from Enact Holdings, Inc. SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.