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HNNA Stock Price Correlated With Hennessy Advisors Financials

HNNA Stock Price vs. Quarterly
Income Statement
Cash Flow
Balance Sheet

HNNA Income Statement

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Revenue, Net:
Revenue Per Share:
Cost of Goods & Services Sold:
Gross Profit:
Selling, General & Admin Expense:
Research & Development Expense:
Total Operating Expenses:
Operating Income:
Income Taxes:
Net Income:
Earnings Per Share, Diluted:
Earnings Per Share, Basic:
Shares Outstanding, Basic Avg:
Shares Outstanding, Diluted Avg:
Common Stock Shares Outstanding:

HNNA Cash Flow

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Operating Activities Net Income:
Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization:
Change in Accounts Receiveable:
Net Cash from Operations:
Net Cash from Operations Per Share:
Repurchases/Buybacks Common Stock:
Issuance of Long-term Debt:
Cash Dividends Paid:
Net Cash from Financing Activities:
Property, Plant & Equipment Purchases:
Purchases of Businesses, Net of Cash:
Net Cash from Investing Activities:
Net Change in Cash & Equivalents:

HNNA Balance Sheet

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Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Short-Term Investments:
Accounts Receivable, Net:
Total Current Assets:
Property, Plant & Equipment, Net:
Total Assets:
Accounts Payable:
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt:
Total Short-Term Liabilities:
Long Term Debt, Non-Current Portion:
Total Long-Term Liabilities:
Total Liabilities:

Organization and Description of Business and Significant Accounting Policies


Organization and Description of Business

Hennessy Advisors, Inc. (the “Company”) was founded on February 1, 1989, as a California corporation under the name Edward J. Hennessy, Incorporated. In 1990, the Company became a registered investment advisor, and on April 15, 2001, the Company changed its name to Hennessy Advisors, Inc.

The Company’s operating

activities consist primarily of providing investment advisory s e

rvices to 16 open-end

mutual funds branded as the Hennessy Funds. The Company serves as the investment advisor to all classes of the Hennessy Cornerstone Growth Fund, the Hennessy Focus Fund, the Hennessy Cornerstone Mid Cap 30 Fund, the Hennessy Cornerstone Large Growth Fund, the Hennessy Cornerstone Value Fund, the Hennessy Total Return Fund, the Hennessy Equity and Income Fund, the Hennessy Balanced Fund, the Hennessy BP Energy Transition Fund, the Hennessy BP Midstream Fund, the Hennessy Gas Utility Fund, the Hennessy Japan Fund, the Hennessy Japan Small Cap Fund, the Hennessy Large Cap Financial Fund, the Hennessy Small Cap Financial Fund, and the Hennessy Technology Fund. The Company also provides shareholder services t o

shareholders of the Hennessy Funds.

The Company’s operating revenues consist of contractual investment advisory and shareholder service fees paid to it by the Hennessy Funds. The Company earns investment advisory fees from each Hennessy Fund by, among other things:

acting as portfolio manager for the fund or overseeing the sub-advisor

acting as portfolio manager for the fund, which includes managing the composition of the fund’s portfolio (including the purchase, retention, and disposition of portfolio securities in accordance with the fund’s investment objectives, policies, and restrictions), seeking best execution for the fund’s portfolio, managing the use of soft dollars for the fund, and managing proxy voting for the fund;

performing a daily reconciliation of portfolio positions and cash for the fund;

monitoring the liquidity of the fund;

monitoring the fund’s compliance with its investment objectives and restrictions and federal securities laws;

maintaining a compliance program (including a code of ethics), conducting ongoing reviews of the compliance programs of the fund’s service providers (including any sub-advisor),

including their codes of ethics, as appropriate, conducting onsite visits to the fund’s service providers (including any sub-advisor)

as feasible, monitoring incidents of abusive trading practices, reviewing fund expense accruals, payments, and fixed expense ratios, evaluating insurance providers for fidelity bond, directors and officers and errors and omissions insurance, and cybersecurity insurance coverage, managing regulatory examination compliance and responses, conducting employee compliance training, reviewing reports provided by service providers, and maintaining books and records;

if applicable, overseeing the selection and continued employment of the fund’s sub-advisor,

reviewing the fund’s investment performance, and monitoring the sub-advisor’s

adherence to the fund’s investment objectives, policies, and restrictions;

overseeing service providers that provide accounting, administration, distribution, transfer agency, custodial, sales, marketing, public relations, audit, information technology, and legal services to the fund;

maintaining in-house

marketing and distribution departments on behalf of the fund;

preparing or directing the preparation of all regulatory filings for the fund, including writing and annually updating the fund’s prospectus and related documents;

for each annual report of the fund, preparing or reviewing a written summary of the fund’s performance during the most recent 12-month


monitoring and overseeing the accessibility of the fund on third-party


paying the incentive c

Free historical financial statements for Hennessy Advisors Inc. See how revenue, income, cash flow, and balance sheet financials have changed over 28 quarters since 2017. Compare with HNNA stock chart to see long term trends.

Data imported from Hennessy Advisors Inc SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.