Lazard Ltd, a Bermuda holding company, and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Lazard Ltd”, “Lazard”, “we” or the “Company”), including Lazard Ltd’s indirect investment in Lazard Group LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (collectively referred to, together with its subsidiaries, as “Lazard Group”), is one of the world’s preeminent financial advisory and asset management firms that specializes in crafting solutions to the complex financial and strategic challenges of our clients. We serve a diverse set of clients around the world, including corporations, governments, institutions, partnerships and individuals.
Lazard Ltd indirectly held 100% of all outstanding Lazard Group common membership interests as of December 31, 2021 and 2020. Lazard Ltd, through its control of the managing members of Lazard Group, controls Lazard Group, which is governed by an Amended and Restated Operating Agreement dated as of February 4, 2019 (the “Operating Agreement”).
Lazard Ltd’s primary operating asset is its indirect ownership of the common membership interests of, and managing member interests in, Lazard Group, whose principal operating activities are included in two business segments:
Financial Advisory, which offers corporate, partnership, institutional, government, sovereign and individual clients across the globe a wide array of financial advisory services regarding mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”), restructurings, capital advisory, shareholder advisory, capital raising, sovereign advisory and other strategic advisory matters, and
Asset Management, which offers a broad range of global investment solutions and investment and wealth management services in equity and fixed income strategies, asset allocation strategies, alternative investments and private equity funds to corporations, public funds, sovereign entities, endowments and foundations, labor funds, financial intermediaries and private clients.
In addition, we record selected other activities in our Corporate segment, including management of cash, investments, deferred tax assets, outstanding indebtedness, certain contingent obligations, and certain assets and liabilities associated with (i) Lazard Group’s Paris-based subsidiary, Lazard Frères Banque SA (“LFB”), and (ii) a special purpose acquisition company sponsored by an affiliate of the Company, Lazard Growth Acquisition Corp. I (“LGAC”).
Basis of Presentation
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). The Company’s policy is to consolidate entities in which it has a controlling financial interest. The Company consolidates:
Voting interest entities (“VOEs”) where the Company holds a majority of the voting interest in such VOEs, and
Variable interest entities (“VIEs”) where the Company is the primary beneficiary having the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most significantly impact the VIE’s economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses of, or receive benefits from, the VIE that could be potentially significant to the VIE (see Note 24).
When the Company does not have a controlling interest in an entity, but exerts significant influence over such entity’s operating and financial decisions, the Company either (i) applies the equity method of accounting in which
it records a proportionate sha re of the entity’s net earnings or (ii) elects the option to measure its investment at fair value . Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.
The consolidated financial statements include Lazard Ltd, Lazard Group and Lazard Group’s principal operating subsidiaries: Lazard Frères & Co. LLC (“LFNY”), a New York limited liability company, along with its subsidiaries, including Lazard Asset Management LLC and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “LAM”); the French limited liability companies Com
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Data imported from Lazard Ltd SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.