EchoStar Corporation (which, together with its subsidiaries, is referred to as “EchoStar,” the “Company,” “we,” “us” and “our”) is a holding company that was organized in October 2007 as a corporation under the laws of the State of Nevada and has operated as a separately traded public company from DISH Network Corporation (“DISH”) since 2008. Our Class A common stock is publicly traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market (“NASDAQ”) under the symbol “SATS.”
We are an industry leader in both networking technologies and services, innovating to deliver the global solutions that power a connected future for people, enterprises and things everywhere. We provide broadband satellite technologies, broadband internet services for consumer customers, which include home and small to medium-sized businesses, and satellite services. We also deliver innovative network technologies, managed services and communications solutions for enterprise customers, which include aeronautical and government enterprises. We operate in the following two business segments:
• Hughes segment (“Hughes segment”) — which provides broadband satellite technologies and broadband internet services to domestic and international consumer customers and broadband network technologies, managed services, equipment, hardware, satellite services and communication solutions to service providers and enterprise customers. The Hughes segment also designs, provides and installs gateway and terminal equipment to customers for other satellite systems. In addition, our Hughes segment designs, develops, constructs and provides telecommunication networks comprising satellite ground segment systems and terminals to mobile system operators and our enterprise customers.
• Echostar Satellite Services segment (“ESS segment”) — which uses certain of our owned and leased in-orbit satellites and related licenses to provide satellite services on a full-time and/or occasional-use basis to U.S. government service providers, internet service providers, broadcast news organizations, content providers and private enterprise customers.
Our operations also include various corporate departments (primarily Executive, Treasury, Strategic Development, Human Resources, Information Technology, Finance, Accounting, Real Estate and Legal) and other activities, such as costs incurred in certain satellite development programs and other business development activities, and gains or losses from certain of our investments, that have not been assigned to our business segments. These activities, costs and income, as well as eliminations of intersegment transactions, are accounted for in Corporate and Other segment in our segment reporting. We also divide our operations by primary geographic market as follows: (i) North America (the U.S. and its territories, Mexico, and Canada); (ii) South and Central America and (iii) Other (Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, India, and the Middle East). Refer to Note 22. Segment Reporting for further detail.
In September 2019, pursuant to a master transaction agreement (the “Master Transaction Agreement”) with DISH and a wholly-owned subsidiary of DISH (“Merger Sub”), (i) we transferred certain real property and the various businesses, products, licenses, technology, revenues, billings, operating activities, assets and liabilities primarily related to the former portion of our ESS segment that managed, marketed and provided (1) broadcast satellite services primarily to DISH and its subsidiaries (together with DISH, “DISH Network”) and our joint venture Dish Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. (“Dish Mexico”) and its subsidiaries, and (2) telemetry, tracking and control (“TT&C”) services for satellites owned by DISH Network and a portion of our other businesses (collectively, the “BSS Business”) to one of our former subsidiaries, EchoStar BSS Corporation (“BSS Corp.”), (ii) we distributed to each holder of shares of our Cla
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Data imported from EchoStar Corp. SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.