NOTE 1—ORGANIZATIO N These financial statements represent the consolidated financial position and results of operations of Walker & Dunlop, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Unless the context otherwise requires, references to “we,” “us,” “our,” “Walker & Dunlop” and the “Company” mean the Walker & Dunlop consolidated companies. Walker & Dunlop, Inc. is a holding company and conducts the majority of its operations through Walker & Dunlop, LLC, the operating company. Walker & Dunlop is one of the leading commercial real estate services and finance companies in the United States. The Company originates, sells, and services a range of commercial real estate debt and equity financing products, provides multifamily property sales brokerage and valuation services, engages in commercial real estate and affordable housing investment management activities, provides housing market research, and delivers real estate-related investment banking and advisory services. Through its agency lending products, the Company originates and sells loans pursuant to the programs of the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac” and, together with Fannie Mae, the “GSEs”), the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), and the Federal Housing Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (together with Ginnie Mae, “HUD”). Through its debt brokerage products, the Company brokers, and in some cases services, loans for various life insurance companies, commercial banks, commercial mortgage-backed securities issuers, and other institutional investors, in which cases the Company does not fund the loan. The Company also provides a variety of commercial real estate debt and equity solutions through its principal lending and investing products. Interim loans on multifamily properties are offered (i) through the Company and recorded on the Company’s balance sheet (the “Interim Loan Program”) and (ii) through a joint venture with an affiliate of Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc., in which the Company holds a 15% ownership interest (the “Interim Program JV”). The Company has a joint venture with an international technology services company (“GeoPhy”) to offer automated multifamily valuation and appraisal services, branded Apprise by Walker & Dunlop (“Appraisal JV”). The Company owns a 50% interest in the Appraisal JV and accounts for the interest as an equity-method investment. On February 4, 2022, the Company entered into a purchase agreement to acquire GeoPhy for $85 million in cash and with a cash earn-out up to $205 million, contingent on achieving certain Apprise revenue and productivity milestones and small balance loan volume and revenue milestones over a four-year period. During the third quarter of 2021, the Company acquired certain assets and assumed certain liabilities of Zelman Holdings, LLC (“Zelman”) through a 75% interest in a newly formed entity, which provides housing market research and real estate-related investment banking and advisory services. During the fourth quarter of 2021, the Company acquired Alliant Capital, Ltd. and certain of its affiliates (as defined in NOTE 7) through a newly formed entity. The Company wholly owns Alliant and its affiliates, except for an Alliant subsidiary, for which the Company recognized a noncontrolling interest for the minority interest owned by third parties.
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Data imported from Walker & Dunlop Inc. SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.