Allegiant Travel Company (the “Company”) is a leisure travel company focused on providing travel services and products to residents of under-served cities in the United States. The Company operates a low-cost, low utilization passenger airline which sells air transportation both on a stand-alone basis and bundled with the sale of ancillary air-related and third party services and products. The Company also provides air transportation under fixed fee flying arrangements, generates other ancillary revenues, and operates non-airline related entities which include the development of Sunseeker Resort and related golf course. Previously, the Company also operated Allegiant Nonstop family entertainment centers and the Teesnap golf course management solution.
Scheduled service and fixed fee air transportation services have similar operating margins, economic characteristics, and production processes (check-in, baggage handling and flight services) which target the same class of customers, and are subject to the same regulatory environment. As a result, the Company believes its airline activities operate under one reportable segment and does not separately track expenses for scheduled service and fixed fee air transportation services. The Company's non-airline related entities represent separate reportable segments and include Sunseeker Resort, and other non-airline activities. Refer to Note 16 for additional information.
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