DMC Global Inc. (“DMC”, "we", "us", "our", or the "Company") was incorporated in the state of Colorado in 1971 and reincorporated in the state of Delaware in 1997. DMC is a diversified holding company headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado and has manufacturing facilities in the United States and Germany. DMC’s portfolio currently consists of three businesses: Arcadia, DynaEnergetics, and NobelClad, which collectively address the building products, energy, industrial processing and transportation markets. In December 2021, DMC acquired a controlling interest in Arcadia, a leading supplier of architectural building materials, including storefronts and entrances, windows, curtain walls and interior partitions. Arcadia also supplies the luxury home market with highly engineered steel, aluminum and wood door and window systems. DynaEnergetics is an international developer, manufacturer and marketer of advanced explosive components and systems used to perforate oil and gas wells. NobelClad is a leading global manufacturer of explosion-welded clad metal plates, which are used to fabricate capital equipment utilized within various process industries and other industrial sectors. Please refer to Note 3 “Business Combination” for additional discussion of the Arcadia acquisition.
DMC’s objective is to identify well-run businesses and strong management teams and support them with long-term capital and strategic, legal, technology and operating resources. Our approach helps our portfolio companies grow core businesses, launch new initiatives, upgrade technologies and systems to support their long-term strategy, and make acquisitions that improve their competitive positions and expand their markets. DMC’s culture is to foster local innovation versus centralized control and to stand behind our businesses in ways that truly add value.
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Data imported from DMC Global Inc SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.