1. ORGANIZATION AND CONSOLIDATION Structure of Operations The information in the notes and related commentary are presented in a format that includes data grouped as follows: Consolidated – Represents the consolidation of the equipment operations and financial services. References to “Deere & Company” or “the company” refer to the entire enterprise. Equipment Operations – Represents the enterprise without financial services, while including the company’s production and precision agriculture operations, small agriculture and turf operations, construction and forestry operations, and other corporate assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses not reflected within financial services. Financial Services – Represents the company’s financing operations. New Segment Reporting Structure In fiscal year 2021, the company implemented a new operating model and reporting structure. With this change, the company’s agriculture and turf operations were divided into two new segments: production and precision agriculture (PPA) and small agriculture and turf (SAT). There were no changes to the construction and forestry (CF) and financial services (FS) segments. At the beginning of fiscal year 2021, the company also reclassified goodwill from identifiable operating assets to corporate assets for segment reporting, as goodwill is no longer considered in evaluating the operating performance of the segments. Additional information on the new segments and the segment financial results are presented in Note 28. Prior period segment information was recast for a consistent presentation. References to agriculture and turf include both production and precision agriculture and small agriculture and turf. Principles of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements represent the consolidation of all companies in which Deere & Company has a controlling interest. Certain variable interest entities (VIEs) are consolidated since the company is the primary beneficiary. The primary beneficiary has both the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the VIEs’ economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits that could potentially be significant to the VIEs. Deere & Company records its investment in each unconsolidated affiliated company (generally 20 to 50 percent ownership) at its related equity in the net assets of such affiliate (see Note 11). Other investments (less than 20 percent ownership) are recorded at cost. Fiscal Year The company uses a 52/53 week fiscal year ending on the last Sunday in the reporting period, which generally occurs in October. An additional week is included in the fourth fiscal quarter every five or six years to realign the company’s fiscal quarters with the calendar. The fiscal year ends for 2021, 2020, and 2019 were October 31, 2021, November 1, 2020, and November 3, 2019, respectively. Fiscal years 2021 and 2020 contained 52 weeks compared to 53 weeks in fiscal year 2019. Unless otherwise stated, references to particular years or quarters refer to the company’s fiscal years and the associated periods in those fiscal years. Wirtgen Reporting Lag Removal Prior to November 2, 2020, the operating results of the Wirtgen Group (Wirtgen) were incorporated into the company’s consolidated financial statements using a one-month lag period. In 2021, the reporting lag was eliminated resulting in one additional month of Wirtgen activity in fiscal year 2021. The effect was an increase to “Net sales” of $270 million, which the company considers immaterial to construction and forestry’s annual net sales. Prior period results were not restated. Variable Interest Entities The company consolidates certain VIEs related to retail note securitizations (see Note 14). The company also has an interest in a joint venture that manufactures construction equipment in Indaiatuba, Brazil for local and overseas markets. The joint venture is a VIE; however, the company is not the primary beneficiary.
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