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ETWO Stock Price Correlated With E2open Parent Holdings Financials

ETWO Stock Price vs. Quarterly
Income Statement
Cash Flow
Balance Sheet

ETWO Income Statement

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Revenue, Net:
Revenue Per Share:
Cost of Goods & Services Sold:
Gross Profit:
Selling, General & Admin Expense:
Research & Development Expense:
Total Operating Expenses:
Operating Income:
Income Taxes:
Net Income:
Earnings Per Share, Diluted:
Earnings Per Share, Basic:
Shares Outstanding, Basic Avg:
Shares Outstanding, Diluted Avg:
Common Stock Shares Outstanding:

ETWO Cash Flow

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Operating Activities Net Income:
Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization:
Change in Accounts Receiveable:
Net Cash from Operations:
Net Cash from Operations Per Share:
Repurchases/Buybacks Common Stock:
Issuance of Long-term Debt:
Cash Dividends Paid:
Net Cash from Financing Activities:
Property, Plant & Equipment Purchases:
Purchases of Businesses, Net of Cash:
Net Cash from Investing Activities:
Net Change in Cash & Equivalents:

ETWO Balance Sheet

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Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Short-Term Investments:
Accounts Receivable, Net:
Total Current Assets:
Property, Plant & Equipment, Net:
Total Assets:
Accounts Payable:
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt:
Total Short-Term Liabilities:
Long Term Debt, Non-Current Portion:
Total Long-Term Liabilities:
Total Liabilities:
1. Organization and Description of Business

Organization CC Neuberger Principal Holdings I (CCNB1) was a blank check company incorporated in the Cayman Islands on January 14, 2020. CCNB1 was incorporated for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. CCNB1’s sponsor was CC Neuberger Principal Holdings I Sponsor LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Sponsor). CCNB1 became a public company on April 28, 2020 through an initial public offering (IPO) of 41,400,000 units at $ 10.00 per unit and private placement of 10,280,000 warrants generating gross proceeds of $ 424.3 million. Upon the closing of the IPO and private placement, $ 414.0 million of the proceeds were placed in a trust account (Trust Account) and invested until the completion of the Business Combination, as described below. On February 4, 2021 (Closing Date), CCNB1 and E2open Holdings, LLC and its operating subsidiaries (E2open Holdings) completed a business combination (Business Combination) contemplated by the definitive Business Combination Agreement entered into on October 14, 2020 (Business Combination Agreement). In connection with the finalization of the Business Combination, CCNB1 changed its name to “E2open Parent Holdings, Inc.” (the Company or E2open) and changed its jurisdiction of incorporation from the Cayman Islands to the State of Delaware (Domestication). Immediately following the Domestication, various entities merged with and into E2open, with E2open as the surviving company. Additionally, E2open Holdings became a subsidiary of E2open with the equity interests of E2open Holdings held by E2open and existing owners of E2open Holdings. The existing owners of E2open Holdings are considered noncontrolling interests in the consolidated financial statements. E2open contributed, as a capital contribution in exchange for a portion of the equity interests in E2open Holdings it acquired, the amount of cash available after payment of the merger consideration under the Business Combination Agreement. The merger consideration along with new financing proceeds were used to pay transaction expenses, repay indebtedness and fund the expense account of the representative of the Company’s equity holders under the Business Combination Agreement. Additionally, the limited liability company agreement of E2open Holdings was amended and restated to, among other things, reflect the Company Merger and admit E2open Parent Holdings, Inc. as the managing member of the Company. The business, property and affairs of E2open Holdings will be managed solely by E2open as the managing member. As a result of the Business Combination, the Company’s trading symbol on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was changed from “PCPL” to “ETWO.” See Note 3, Business Combination and Acquisitions and Note 12, Tax Receivable Agreement for additional information. Description of Business The Company is headquartered in Austin, Texas. E2open is a leading provider of cloud-based, end-to-end omni-channel and supply chain management software. The Company’s software combines networks, data and applications to provide a deeply embedded, mission-critical platform that allows clients to optimize their supply chain by accelerating growth, reducing costs, increasing visibility and driving improved resiliency. Given the business-critical nature of the Company’s solutions, it maintains deep, long-term relationships with its clients across a wide range of end-markets, including technology, consumer, industrial and transportation, among others. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused business disruptions worldwide since January 2020. The full extent to which the pandemic will impact the Company’s business, operations, cash flows and financial condition will depend on future developments that are difficult to accurately predict. The Company has experienced modest adverse impacts as it relates to length

Free historical financial statements for E2open Parent Holdings Inc.. See how revenue, income, cash flow, and balance sheet financials have changed over 15 quarters since 2021. Compare with ETWO stock chart to see long term trends.

Data imported from E2open Parent Holdings Inc. SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.