1. Description of business and basis of presentation Douglas Dynamics, Inc. (the “Company,”) is a premier manufacturer and upfitter of commercial v ehicle attachments and equipment. The Company’s portfolio includes snow and ice management attachments sold under the BLIZZARD ® , FISHER ® , HENDERSON ® , SNOWEX ® and WESTERN ® brands, turf care equipment under the TURFEX ® brand, and industrial maintenance equipment under the SWEEPEX ® brand. The Company’s portfolio also includes the up-fit of market leading attachments and storage solutions under the HENDERSON® brand, and the DEJANA® brand and its related sub-brands. The Company is headquartered in Milwaukee, WI and currently owns manufacturing and upfit facilities in Milwaukee, WI, Manchester Iowa, Rockland, ME, Madison Heights, MI and Huntley, IL. The Company also leases fifteen manufacturing and upfit and service facilities located in Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. Additionally, the Company operates a sourcing office in China. The Company conducts business in two segments: Work Truck Attachments and Work Truck Solutions. During the first quarter of 2019, the Company reorganized its business segments to reflect a new operating structure as a result of a change in how the Company’s chief operating decision maker allocates resources, makes operating decisions and assesses the performance of the business. Financial information regarding these segments is in Note 17 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. Recently adopted accounting standards There were no accounting standards adopted in the year ended December 31, 2021. See Note 22 for a summary of recent accounting pronouncements not yet adopted and the Company’s evaluation of their impact on the financial statements.
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