Proto Labs, Inc. and its subsidiaries (Proto Labs, the Company, we, us, or our) is a digital manufacturer of custom prototypes and on-demand production parts. The Company utilizes injection molding, computer numerical control (CNC) machining, 3D printing and sheet metal fabrication to manufacture custom parts for its customers. The Company's customers conduct nearly all of their business over the internet. The Company targets its products to the millions of product developers and engineers who use three -dimensional computer-aided design ( 3D CAD) software to design products across a diverse range of end-markets. In addition, the Company serves procurement and supply chain professionals seeking to manufacture custom parts on-demand. The Company has established operations in the United States, Europe and Japan, which the Company believes are among the largest geographic markets where these product developers and engineers are located. Through the acquisition of Hubs in 2021, the Company is able to provide its customers access to a global network of premium manufacturing partners who reside across North America, Europe and Asia, complementing its in-house manufacturing. Proto Labs, Inc. is headquartered in Maple Plain, Minnesota. The Company’s subsidiaries are:
PL-US International LLC
United States
Hubs Manufacturing Inc.
United States
3D Hubs Manufacturing LLC
United States
Proto Labs Ltd.
United Kingdom
PL International Holdings, UK, Ltd.
United Kingdom
PL Euro Services Limited
United Kingdom
Proto Labs GmbH
Proto Labs Tooling GmbH
3D Hubs B.V.
Proto Labs, G.K.
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Data imported from Proto Labs Inc SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.