Total and available space by region
Los Angeles total space: 30,158,264 56.4%
Los Angeles available: 3,115,371 60.0%
Los Angeles % available 10.3 %
Inland Empire total space: 9,870,894 18.4%
Inland Empire available: 369,187 7.1%
Inland Empire % available 3.7 %
Orange County total space: 6,437,001 12.0%
Orange County available: 878,561 16.9%
Orange County % available 13.6 %
San Diego total space: 3,836,826 7.2%
San Diego available: 348,522 6.7%
San Diego % available 9.1 %
Ventura County total space: 3,211,753 6.0%
Ventura County available: 483,638 9.3%
Ventura County % available 15.1 %
REXR total space: 53,514,738
REXR total available: 5,195,279
REXR % available 9.7 %
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Data imported from Rexford Industrial Realty Inc. SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.