Organization and summary of significant accounting policies Signet Jewelers Limited (“Signet” or the “Company”), a holding company incorporated in Bermuda, is the world’s largest retailer of diamond jewelry. The Company operates through its 100% owned subsidiaries with sales primarily in the United States (“US”), United Kingdom (“UK”) and Canada. Signet manages its business as three reportable segments: North America, International, and Other. The “Other” reportable segment consists of subsidiaries involved in the purchasing and conversion of rough diamonds to polished stones. See Note 5 for additional discussion of the Company’s reportable segments.
Signet’s business is seasonal, with the fourth quarter accounting for approximately 35-40% of annual sales, as well as accounts for a substantial portion of the annual operating profit. The “Holiday Season” consists of results for the months of November and December, with December being the highest volume month of the year.
The Company has evaluated and determined that there were no additional events or transactions subsequent to January 29, 2022 for potential recognition or disclosure through the date the consolidated financial statements were issued. There are no material related party transactions. The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in the preparation of the Company’s consolidated financial statements.
(a) Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements of Signet are prepared in accordance with US generally accepted accounting principles (“US GAAP” or “GAAP”) and include the results for the 52 week period ended January 29, 2022 (“Fiscal 2022”), as Signet’s fiscal year ends on the Saturday nearest to January 31. The comparative periods are for the 52 week period ended January 30, 2021 (“Fiscal 2021”) and the 52 week period ended February 1, 2020 (“Fiscal 2020”). Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated in consolidation. Signet has reclassified certain prior year amounts to conform to the current year presentation.
(b) Risks and uncertainties - COVID-19
In December 2019, a novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) was identified in Wuhan, China. As a result, the Company experienced significant disruption to its business, specifically in its retail store operations through temporary closures during the first half of Fiscal 2021. By the end of the third quarter of Fiscal 2021, the Company had re-opened substantially all of its stores. However, during the fourth quarter of Fiscal 2021, both the UK and certain Canadian provinces re-established mandated temporary closure of non-essential businesses. The UK stores began to reopen in April 2021, while the Canadian stores began reopening in the second quarter of Fiscal 2022.
While there has been no significant impact to the Company’s consolidated financial statements during Fiscal 2022, the full extent and duration of the impact of COVID-19 on the Company’s operations and financial performance is currently unknown and depends on future developments that are uncertain and unpredictable, including the duration and possible resurgence of COVID-19 (including through variants), the success of the vaccine rollout globally, its impact on the Company’s global supply chain, and the uncertainty of customer behavior and potential shifts in discretionary spending. The Company will continue to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on its business, results of operations and cash flows throughout Fiscal 2023, including the potential impacts on various estimates and assumptions inherent in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
(c) Use of estimates
The preparation of these consolidated financial statements, in conformity with US GAAP and US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regulations, requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidat
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Data imported from Signet Jewelers Ltd SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.