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WSR Stock Price Correlated With Whitestone REIT Financials

WSR Stock Price vs. Quarterly
Income Statement
Cash Flow
Balance Sheet

WSR Income Statement

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Revenue, Net:
Revenue Per Share:
Cost of Goods & Services Sold:
Gross Profit:
Selling, General & Admin Expense:
Research & Development Expense:
Total Operating Expenses:
Operating Income:
Income Taxes:
Net Income:
Earnings Per Share, Diluted:
Earnings Per Share, Basic:
Shares Outstanding, Basic Avg:
Shares Outstanding, Diluted Avg:
Common Stock Shares Outstanding:

WSR Cash Flow

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Operating Activities Net Income:
Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization:
Change in Accounts Receiveable:
Net Cash from Operations:
Net Cash from Operations Per Share:
Repurchases/Buybacks Common Stock:
Issuance of Long-term Debt:
Cash Dividends Paid:
Net Cash from Financing Activities:
Property, Plant & Equipment Purchases:
Purchases of Businesses, Net of Cash:
Net Cash from Investing Activities:
Net Change in Cash & Equivalents:

WSR Balance Sheet

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Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Short-Term Investments:
Accounts Receivable, Net:
Total Current Assets:
Property, Plant & Equipment, Net:
Total Assets:
Accounts Payable:
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt:
Total Short-Term Liabilities:
Long Term Debt, Non-Current Portion:
Total Long-Term Liabilities:
Total Liabilities:

Insider Trading

SEC Form 4
1,750 sh at $14
Feng Amy Shih-Hua   Director
875 sh at $14

Whitestone REIT (“Whitestone”) was formed as a real estate investment trust, pursuant to the Texas Real Estate Investment Trust Act on August 20, 1998.  In July 2004, we changed our state of organization from Texas to Maryland pursuant to a merger where we merged directly with and into a Maryland real estate investment trust formed for the sole purpose of the reorganization and the conversion of each of our outstanding common shares of beneficial interest of the Texas entity into 1.42857 common shares of beneficial interest of the Maryland entity.  We serve as the general partner of Whitestone REIT Operating Partnership, L.P. (the “Operating Partnership” or “WROP” or “OP”), which was formed on December 31, 1998 as a Delaware limited partnership.  We currently conduct substantially all of our operations and activities through the Operating Partnership.  As the general partner of the Operating Partnership, we have the exclusive power to manage and conduct the business of the Operating Partnership, subject to certain customary exceptions.  As of December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, we owned 60, 58, and 58 commercial properties, respectively, in and around Austin, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Phoenix and San Antonio.

As of December 31, 2021, these properties consist of:

Consolidated Operating Portfolio

• 53 wholly-owned properties that meet our Community Centered Properties ® strategy; and

Redevelopment, New Acquisitions Portfolio

• two wholly owned properties, Lakeside Market and Anderson Arbor, that meet our Community Centered Properties ® containing approximately 0.2 and 0.1 million square feet of GLA and having total carrying amounts (net of accumulated depreciation) of $52.7 and $28.2 million, respectively.

• five parcels of land held for future development.

As of December 31, 2021, we, through our equity-method investment in Pillarstone Capital REIT Operating Partnership LP (“Pillarstone” or “Pillarstone OP”), owned a majority interest in eight properties that do not meet our Community Centered Property® strategy containing approximately 0.9 million square feet of GLA (the “Pillarstone Properties”). We own 81.4% of the total outstanding units of Pillarstone OP, which we account for using the equity method. We also manage the day-to-day operations of Pillarstone OP.

The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 and the related responses intended to control its spread may continue to adversely affect business activity, particularly relating to our retail tenants, across the markets in which we operate. In light of the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to predict the extent that its impact will have on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.

Free historical financial statements for Whitestone REIT. See how revenue, income, cash flow, and balance sheet financials have changed over 52 quarters since 2012. Compare with WSR stock chart to see long term trends.

Data imported from Whitestone REIT SEC filings. Check original filings before making any investment decision.