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Industrials: Software Stock Prices vs Revenue

Quarterly revenue and earnings fluctuate like stock prices. Get the big picture with insights from company insiders and leading investors.

Recent Filings
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Insider Buying

Recent Industrials: Software Filings

Software SS&C Technologies Holdings
SSNC stock chart compared to revenue
Software Dayforce
DAY stock chart compared to revenue
Software Paylocity Holding
PCTY stock chart compared to revenue
Software 3D Systems
DDD stock chart compared to revenue
Software Paycom Software
PAYC stock chart compared to revenue
Software Uber Technologies
UBER stock chart compared to revenue

Largest Market Caps

Software Uber Technologies
UBER stock chart compared to revenue
Software SS&C Technologies Holdings
SSNC stock chart compared to revenue
Software Paycom Software
PAYC stock chart compared to revenue
Software Paylocity Holding
PCTY stock chart compared to revenue
Software Dayforce
DAY stock chart compared to revenue
Software Paycor HCM
PYCR stock chart compared to revenue
Software 3D Systems
DDD stock chart compared to revenue

Companies With Insider Buying

No recent buying in Industrials: Software