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Real Estate: Office REITs Stock Prices vs Revenue

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Recent Real Estate: Office REITs Filings

Office REITs Cousins Properties
CUZ stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Alexandria Real Estate
ARE stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Hudson Pacific Properties
HPP stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Douglas Emmett
DEI stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Empire State Realty Trust
ESRT stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Easterly Government Properties
DEA stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Boston Properties
BXP stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Brandywine Realty Trust
BDN stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs SL Green Realty
SLG stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs City Office REIT
CIO stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Office Properties Income Trust
OPI stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Paramount
PGRE stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Kilroy Realty
KRC stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Franklin Street Properties REIT
FSP stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Piedmont Office Realty Trust
PDM stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Equity Commonwealth
EQC stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Highwoods Properties
HIW stock chart compared to revenue

Largest Market Caps

Office REITs Alexandria Real Estate
ARE stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Boston Properties
BXP stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Cousins Properties
CUZ stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs SL Green Realty
SLG stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Kilroy Realty
KRC stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Douglas Emmett
DEI stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Highwoods Properties
HIW stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Empire State Realty Trust
ESRT stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Piedmont Office Realty Trust
PDM stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Paramount
PGRE stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Easterly Government Properties
DEA stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Brandywine Realty Trust
BDN stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Hudson Pacific Properties
HPP stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs City Office REIT
CIO stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Equity Commonwealth
EQC stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Franklin Street Properties REIT
FSP stock chart compared to revenue
Office REITs Office Properties Income Trust
OPI stock chart compared to revenue

Companies With Insider Buying

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